Jul 30, 2023Liked by Rita Chisum

Wow. This is awesome. You are an eloquent writer. I look forward to reading your future articles.

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Thanks, little brother! 😊 You're my very first "Commenter"❣️

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Thanks little brother❣️😊 You're my very first "Commenter"! 💕

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Now I'm re-reading it almost a month later, as if for the first time. And these words jump out at me: '"being 'ignorant' is a place that we pass through on our way to more learning and deeper understanding." How I love this kinder and gentler view of ignorance as a stage we move through. We avoid knowledge often for excellent, natural reasons, akin to the psychological denial so many of us experience when a loved one is ill—we are conditioned (or have evolved) to respond this way to troubling news for the sake of our own survival. Finding the courage to learn and to face things takes nurturing and support. It truly takes a village. And what an excellent job you do of providing this for people, Rita! I am so grateful to know you, and will sit and visit with you anytime you want!!

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Thank you so much for your encouraging (and inspirational!)"reassessment" of my post! 😃That really means so much, especially that you received the message I hoped to convey. ❤️

My many years of loving people, all while trying to figure out their often puzzling actions, has taught me so much about our human condition. We are so much MORE ALIKE than we are different. I have found this to be true with my interactions with SO MANY interesting, talented, insightful and wise people, regardless of color, socioeconomic status, education (yes even those less educated understand some things more deeply than those who have learned from a "book"!) and find there are special and unique gifts in each human life.

I've come to a firm belief, Courtenay, that when we keep our eyes on God and HIS intentions for us as Human Beings, we find a confidence in His love for us which surpasses any "judgement" that man might have.

Being enslaved to what "Society" defines as "successful" is very much a BIG part of the reason that we worry about what others think; how THEY define success (which we well know comes in many forms).

God's TRUTH is the only Truth that can set each of us free to love one another and ourselves, to be long-suffering and patient, to learn from one another and understand that we are NOT in competition with one another in the eyes of our Heavenly Father. The talents each of us have are to be SHARED for the good of us ALL. There is just no comparing apples to oranges.

This WORLD and the desire to conform to it's "passing" definitions and conventions is a major reason for the pain, suffering and dissatisfaction that we find...regardless of the worldly wealth that we do (or don't) experience. The most IMPORTANT and MEANINGFUL aspects of who we are CANNOT be bought, they are built one day, one moment, one experience at a time.

We NEVER stop growing until the day we die our physical death and for that reason I consider myself a "perpetual student"! And there should NEVER be any shame in that!

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You are a picture of grace in a struggling world. Respect and curiosity are what we need to practice for sure! Thank you for modeling these difficult things, Rita.

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